
The Face

Anwar Hadid, Model

"Sometimes I write ideas down in my notes, but I usually don’t know what I’m going to get until I’m at the tattoo shop."Read more >


What Cher Has To Say About Beauty

She's never been one to keep her thoughts a secretRead more >

The Review

The Candles That Smell Like Summer

Bring the outside, in—with more options than everRead more >

Top Shelf After Dark

Ariel Arce, Restaurateur

The empress of champagne talks hangovers and Vintner's DaughterRead more >

The Top Shelf

Danuta Mieloch, Founder, Rescue Spa

New York’s most sought-after aesthetician shares her elaborate skincare routineRead more >

The Face

Astrid S, Musician

The Norweigan pop star on electric zit zappers and highlighter meant for browsRead more >

The Face

Michelle Elie, Designer, Prim

"Ashy legs, dry lips—I can’t take it, it kills me"Read more >

Top Shelf After Dark

Hawa Hassan, Founder, Basbaas

The condiment queen gets her best beauty products from the groceryRead more >

The Top Shelf

Tchesmeni Leonard, Stylist

"When I was growing up I spent all my money on makeup, and as I got older, I was like, ‘Oh, why don’t I just put all that money into a good skincare routine.’"Read more >

The Face

Antonia Thomas, Actress

On the one fragrance she always wears and the facialist who changed her lifeRead more >


The Ultimate Paris Beauty Tour

Sit back, relax, and leave Paris more beautiful than you arrivedRead more >