The Top Shelf

Alexandra Nataf, Photographer & Co-Founder, Unconditional Magazine

"Everywhere I’ve lived has been a huge influence on me, because if I had never left Paris, for example, I really don’t know if I would be a photographer today."Read more >

The Top Shelf

Jessica Richards, Founder, Shen Beauty

"I think people are embarrassed about Botox—it’s like sex, in a way. They want to pretend like they look that way, but it’s not reality."Read more >

The Face

Salem Mitchell, Model

"You know how you’re not supposed to mess with pimples until they’re completely ready [to pop]? I’m the worst at that."Read more >

The Top Shelf

Folasade Adeoso, Digital Designer

"I actually didn’t know who Grace Jones was until I cut my hair, because people started being like, ‘You look like Grace Jones, look her up.’ I did not know! And I became obsessed."Read more >

Top Shelf After Dark

Elizabeth De La Piedra, Photographer

"When I’m getting ready the first thing I do is lock my door—no one’s allowed to come in."Read more >


The Right Way To Cover Up Pimples

A roundtable of six makeup artists explainsRead more >

The Face

Bella Heathcote, Actress

"I’m so full of shit—I’m like, ‘Yeah, I just keep it simple,’ but then I use like 45 products. [Laughs]"Read more >

The Top Shelf

Erica Chidi Cohen, Doula & Co-Founder, LOOM

"My deodorant is a vibe," and the layers of essential oils she wears as fragranceRead more >


Time To Restructure Your Medicine Cabinet

In a seasonally appropriate fashion—with an exorcismRead more >

Glossier HQ

Profiles In Pimples

In honor of Glossier Zit Stick, please meet our zitsRead more >

Top Shelf After Dark

Zora Casebere, Actress

"If I’m trying out a crazy eyeshadow, I’ll have [my friend] tell me that it’s not actually crazy, and that it’s fun and I should do it. As silly as that sounds, it helps."Read more >