The Playlist: Music For Weekend Mornings At Home

Anna Jube

The difference between my weekday mornings and my weekends is dramatic. I’m an early riser Monday through Friday with a highly regimented routine calculated to get me out of bed at maximum energy capacity. By the time I get to the office I am fully awake and viciously caffeinated. This is vital because I wake up an introvert, and arrive at work a fully functioning extrovert. The transformation is impressive, and necessary. It is how I get through all five days.

The weekends are not this way. By 10AM on Saturday, everything that mattered on Monday morning ceases to exist. I get out of bed using no physical exertion and I don’t look in the mirror. Instead I walk to the kitchen, put water on to boil, and place a record very carefully on my record player. Gradually, I increase the volume until I finish making my coffee and my eardrums are almost bursting. This is the extent of my routine—going nowhere, doing nothing, and listening to music. It was with these mornings in mind that I assembled this hour-long playlist for you. It’s easy to listen to and hard to turn off. This fall, please don't leave the house.

—Anna Jube

Photo via ITG.