
ITG Top 25

ITG Top 25: Can't Go Wrong

A comprehensive list of our best recommendations this yearRead more >


The Right Way To Cover Up Pimples

A roundtable of six makeup artists explainsRead more >

The Top Shelf

Erica Chidi Cohen, Doula & Co-Founder, LOOM

"My deodorant is a vibe," and the layers of essential oils she wears as fragranceRead more >

Glossier HQ

Profiles In Pimples

In honor of Glossier Zit Stick, please meet our zitsRead more >


The Skin Type Handbook

A handy-dandy guide to which products you should use, which ones your shouldn't, and which routine is right for youRead more >

Top Shelf After Dark

Lisa Eldridge

"I have all manner of body and hand care products by my bed, and I’ll oil myself up. My husband always says, ‘You look like you’re about to go swim in the Channel!’"Read more >


Pick A Concealer, Any Concealer

And ITG will tell you what it's good forRead more >