Pimples happen. Oftentimes to good people! It's not the end of the world. But what would make it feel like even less of a big deal? Talking about it. In honor of the launch of Zit Stick, our new breakout eraser, we asked Glossier team members to introduce their zits to you. Get to know 'em a little better. Spend some quality time—until it's time to make a graceful exit thanks to hard working ingredients and a portable applicator. 'Til then, please meet the pimples belonging to...
Emily Ferber, Editorial Director
Tell us about this pimple. Ugh, I don't even know. I'm so careful and then I get a big hunker in the middle of my face. Nothing to do but ride it out. Sometimes these things just happen and there's no sense in trying to figure out the root cause.
If you had to get a pimple, where would you get it? Eyebrows, hands down. I don't even mind them when they're in there. They're like a fun distraction when I'm cleaning my face at the end of the day.
Pop or not? Usually pop. There's rarely a time I get a pimple that knows how to Irish exit without being encouraged. I've got an extractor tool, a lancet, and plenty of hydrogen peroxide to go around.
What’s your relationship with your pimples? One of deep, deep denial.
Utibe Mbagwu, Content Coordinator
Tell us about this pimple. I had a cluster of pimples on my cheek and couldn't stop touching them. As the original pimples healed, new acne came up because...finger bacteria. The cycle never ends.
What’s your relationship with your pimples? I'm used to pimples! I've had them all my life. If I'm really on top of my skincare routine, washing my face every night, using Tretinoin regularly, my skin can get pretty clear. My skin is always experiencing waves of being off-track, recovering, being on track, and then falling off the wagon. But I will get it right eventually!
Pop or not? I have to pop. I always pop. Sorry.
What’s your pimple manifesto? They're just a part of who I am! I always think they look worse than they really do, and sometimes they do become a glaring buoy on your face. But I love seeing them get better day over day. There was actually a point in time when my skin was really clear and I kind of missed checking on them every morning? I can live with them.
Bela Yousif, Communications Manager
Tell us about this pimple. I've never met this pimple before. It's our first date. It's kind of unexpected for me and not usually my type (small, hard, un-popable, and in the chin area) but it is clearly very interested in me and my face. I'm not sure what I did to warrant the attention but it's probably because I've been touching my face too much.
If you had to get a pimple, where would you get it? Probably my forehead. The skin can handle my masochistic picking and I can wear my hair down as a cover.
Pop or not? My mind says no but my heart says yes. I could spend hours in front of the mirror going after my blackheads and I'm doing my best to rehabilitate myself to just let the zit do its thing.
What’s your pimple manifesto? Pimple. Pop. Pain. Regret. Repeat.
Ariel Gitlin, Coordinator of First Impressions
What’s your relationship with your pimples? I love them; they are my husband. I'm kidding. Over the years, I've gotten used to having a little friend or two around. It won't keep me home, or stop me from living my life. It's the big guys that really ruin my day; those big, cystic, underground guys. Those I really hate. So obviously they keep showing up.
If you had to get a pimple, where would you get it? Time for gross honesty! OK! The answer...my chest. When I've been working out (ie. sweating) a lot, I'll sometimes have a blemish show up on my chest. It's very annoying, but at least it's not on my face, because I am usually wearing a shirt.
Cover up y/n? Yes! Why not? If I put makeup on it, I'm less likely to touch it. And also then from far away you won't be able to tell I have a pimple. I don't know any miracle concealer than can truly cover up a cystic blemish though. They can run, but they can't hide.
Lynley Flanagan, Senior People Manager
Tell us about this pimple. I've had acne since I was a tween, so in general, pimples pop up often. My blemish category has evolved over the years: hormonal, cystic, hormonal again, you name it. It feels as though my face and I are always engaged in a state of war. Currently, there's a lull in combat as I'm on Spironolactone.
What’s your relationship with your pimples? Formerly one of shame, but in the last two years I've learned to accept it. I've also learned to commit to a simple, but consistent, skincare regimen and it's helped immensely.
Pop or not? Never. Ever. Pop. If I had access to a time machine my one wish would be to tell my younger self, "Hands off!"
Cover up y/n? As someone who spent her high school years spackling her face: Everyone can still see it, I assure you. Let it breathe, but invest in controlling as much redness as possible.
Eva Alt, Social Media Editor
Tell us about this pimple. This pimple arrived randomly. I don't get many pimples, but when I do, they are typically on my chin. Can someone tell me why?
If you had to name this pimple, what would you name it? Nina
Pop or not? Yes, pop. God I love it.
Cover up y/n? My thing with pimples is that I think it just looks better when I don't try and cover it up.
Valentina Siad, Creative Intern
Tell us about this pimple. This pimple checks in monthly but really likes to linger. Location wise it’s sporadic but almost always hormonal. I don’t spazz when I get them anymore.
If you had to get a pimple, where would you get it? Hairline I guess, those are pretty invisible but they hurt. Be careful with your brush.
Pop or not? No! Don’t! Do not! Scarring is so so much worse. I wish someone had told me to leave my face alone (someone definitely did).
What’s your pimple manifesto? “Some things never seem to fucking work” -Solange Knowles
Kelly Wilbur, Product Development
Tell us about this pimple. I always seem to grow pimple friends in the same place on my chin. Usually they are hormonal, but this one appeared during a 22 hour trip to Asia. Just goes to show that you can meticulously tone, micellar, serum and mask yourself into oblivion and still receive uninvited guests.
If you had to name this pimple, what would you name it? She is fierce, elegant and red is her color so I named her Hatsumomo after the gorgeous Gong Li’s character in Memoirs of a Geisha. (Which I happened to watch on the flight. The zit in question may have actually been conceived during the film.)
Pop or not? In theory I would never pop. In practice it depends on how well my meditations on discipline are going that week. This usually involves me talking to myself in the mirror like “Girl, you are better than this. You can do this. If you can make it ten more seconds you can make it ten more hours and then that sucker will soon be back in Hades where it belongs."
What’s your pimple manifesto? Nobody cares as much as you about your zits. Don’t freak out. Don’t contemplate your self worth. This too shall pass.
Photos via the authors.