
The Technique

French Beauty Can Be High Maintenance, Too

Just take it from our new French correspondent, Sabina SocolRead more >

The Extras

Robes, Reviewed

Maybe not necessary, but luxurious neverthelessRead more >

The Extras

The Ultimate London Beauty Tour

All the treatments your body can possibly handle in the span of 36 hoursRead more >

ITG Top 25

The New Guard

Season 2 of ITG's annual awards is here!Read more >

Word of Mouth

Rig Your Shower Routine

Because what happens in the shower also shows on your faceRead more >

The Review

Do I Need Fancy Water?

Carrie Bradshaw: I couldn't help but wonder... Are we thirsting for more than just water?Read more >

ITG ♥s

Diptyque's New York Candle Is Its Best One Yet

And it smells nothing like New York, which is a wonderful thingRead more >

The Extras

How To Navigate The Beauty Section At T.J. Maxx

A field guide for discovering brands you’ve never heard of, hand soaps in Baroque packaging, and more discount treasuresRead more >


From Tokyo, With Lots Of Stuff

A dispatch from the city of cherry blossoms, denim, and cosmetic innovationRead more >

☀️ Sun Week☀️

Statement Sunglasses For Summer

The only thing you need for the season ahead (except sunscreen)Read more >