
Open Thread

What Products Do You Steal From Your Mom?

Sorry—what products do you BORROW from your mom?Read more >


How To Become A Person Who Goes Running For Fun

It's both easier and harder than you'd think—but worth it either wayRead more >


Nicole Warne's Wedding Black Book

All the self-care and spoiling she did to prepare for her New Zealand nuptials last monthRead more >


The At-Your-Desk Survival Guide: Mini Edition

Because you can't bring it all with you all of the timeRead more >


Rebuild Your Beauty Routine With $100

How one writer packed up, moved across the country, restarted her skincare routine without much budget to spare—and became a beauty inspiration to us allRead more >

Five Cool Things

Un-Glamorous Flight Essentials

For a breakout-free face, jetlag-free energy, and carefree livingRead more >


The Ultimate Los Angeles Beauty Tour

Workout, primp, and prime like the Angelenos doRead more >

ITG ♥s

Tiny Handbags!

When the tiniest things become the mightiest trendRead more >


My Cruelty-Free Makeup Routine

It's also just a really good makeup routine, periodRead more >

Open Thread

How Do You Work Out?

Please type your routine into the comment section in this storyRead more >


The Hippie Grind Returns!

Almost four years later, with a lot of travel advice Read more >


At Amangiri, Discovering Hygge

Emily Ferber's search for tranquility, near and farRead more >

Open Thread

Ask ITG Anything

An open call for pressing beauty questionsRead more >