Tiny Handbags!
Cai Lee (Wilhelmina) photographed by Tom Newton. Styled by Lilli Millhiser. Makeup by Yacine Diallo. Hair by Matthew Tuozoli.
Tiny handbags are not a tiny trend. In fact, the tiny handbag trend is so un-tiny that after one tiny story about tiny handbags, readers called for more tiny recommendations for tiny things. So here it is: The Tiny Handbag Edit.
Given that tiny handbags are so tiny, does that mean the text accompanying the story can also be tiny? The sleep-deprived editor writing this tiny text thinks yes. With that thought, we bid you a tiny adieu. Tiny handbags may be tiny, but their impact can be mighty.
Cai Lee (Wilhelmina) photographed by Tom Newton. Styled by Lilli Millhiser. Makeup by Yacine Diallo. Hair by Matthew Tuozoli.