
The Neurologist With A Three-Step Masking Routine

If you're a member of Into The Gloss: The Group, you know Maja as Sus ScrofaRead more >

The Top Shelf

Thaleia Karafyllidou, Editor-In-Chief, Vogue Greece

While we're dreaming about Greek beaches, the Greek obsess over Better Than Sex mascara.Read more >

The One Thing

The Cult of Alpha-H

An international beauty find with the only mask Ali makes time forRead more >

ITG ♥s

Our Favorite Products: October 2019 Edition

It may be Halloween, but October's product lineup is more sleepy than spooky Read more >

Makeup Ideas

Everyone Loves A Good Last-Minute Halloween Costume

Alternately, how to do Halloween with (mostly) stuff you already ownRead more >

The Top Shelf

Ziwe Fumudoh, Comedian

With every really good skincare product she still doesn't know the purpose ofRead more >

Word of Mouth

How Do You Actually Stop Picking?

Five Glossier HQ employees sit down with a psychologist to talk dermatillomania (commonly known as skin picking)Read more >

The Top Shelf

Radhika Jones, Editor-In-Chief, Vanity Fair

On makeup tutorials and finding time to read 50 books a yearRead more >


Lily Aldridge's New Mom Starter Pack

The model-approved nursing bra, a chic way to prevent stretch marks, and every natural baby product to multitask withRead more >

The Top Shelf

Lily Aldridge, Model

"I kind of have two routines—the quick one when I’m half asleep getting my kids to school, and then my more luxurious one during nap time."Read more >

Makeup Ideas

The Fall Makeup Refresh

There's no better time than the present to play around with a full face lookRead more >


Oxygen: Friend Or Foe?

There's only one way to oxygenate your skin for a brighter, plumper complexion, and it's not what you think.Read more >

The Top Shelf

Rebecca Rittenhouse, Actor

The Mindy Project star on the lotion that's creamy enough to moisturize dry, winter legs, but smooth enough so that you can easily pull up your pants right afterRead more >