Top Shelf After Dark

Pili Restrepo, Jewelry Designer

"When I think about my look for the evening, it starts with my skin — like if I’m breaking out, or if I shaved my legs."Read more >

Word of Mouth

17 Women On Botox

Pros, cons, maybe laters, and never eversRead more >

The Review

Do I Need Fancy Water?

Carrie Bradshaw: I couldn't help but wonder... Are we thirsting for more than just water?Read more >


The Beginner's Guide To Textured Haircare

It's all about moisture, moisture, moisture, moisture, moistureRead more >

The Top Shelf

Stefani Robinson, Writer, Atlanta

"Having braces is not like having a bad haircut. You can’t fix it with bobby pins or wear a hat. These are on, and you can’t do anything to hide it. Once I got that into my head, I was like, fuck it. I’ve got braces. This is cool."Read more >

ITG ♥s

Diptyque's New York Candle Is Its Best One Yet

And it smells nothing like New York, which is a wonderful thingRead more >

ITG ♥s

Cannabis + Body Lotion = Bliss

Soothing, just not quite in the way you were expectingRead more >

Top Shelf After Dark

Michele Ouellet, Model & Vintner

The J.Crew model and wine maker on her catalog-ready going-out look—fresh skin, a bit of liner, and Vans for dancingRead more >

The Makeup

White Hot Liner Looks

Ways to brighten that surpass that highlighter-in-the-corner-of-your-eyes trick you learned in high schoolRead more >

The Top Shelf

Camille Becerra, Chef

On all-natural self-tanner, the body lotion that doubles as eye cream, and one seriously exhaustive dental care regimenRead more >


Ask ITG: How Do I Layer My Skincare?

A simple question with a complicated answerRead more >

Word of Mouth

Face Oil: A Dialogue

The seven best oils, revealed by a candid conversation betwixt two editorsRead more >