Asking the tough questions about your lover's previous loversRead more >
SkinCeuticals' antioxidant-filled Phloretin CF oil costs more than a share of Apple, but pays off sooner (and is a lot more fun to use)Read more >
Chances are that you could use some, regardless of your level of skepticismRead more >
Harkening back to the days when a glossy brown lip was everything you could ever wantRead more >
Alexis Cheung and Alexa Chung are two very different people—can a cocktail of Chanel, YSL, and a whole lot of Eyeko liner and mascara change that?Read more >
A long overdue review of Kjaer Weis—the organic makeup you'd want to wear even if it wasn't organicRead more >
Because you're probably not thinking about things like body-safe materials or budget if you're just starting to publicly embrace your sexualityRead more >
Expert theories behind vocal fry—so you can stop judging a girl by how high her voice gets at the end of sentencesRead more >
A Hawaiian émigré on island-life essentials: tiny bikinis, kukui nut oil, and tita bunsRead more >
Expert takes on the funny feelings that come with engaging in intimate interactions with your fitness instructor (or piercer, massage therapist, tattoo artist...)Read more >
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