It Cosmetics' Full Coverage version lives up to the marketingRead more >
Ladies and gentlewomen: Wendy Rowe's Eye Makeup Master Class Read more >
Casually mugging on the Victoria's Secret plane to Paris last weekRead more >
"I don't sleep with a silk scarf on, or anything. I don't like silk pillowcases either! I like my hair in its natural state, and I’m not afraid of frizz—it’s a pejorative [word]. It's me."Read more >
The ladies of Saturday Night Live on the gift that nobody wants, but everybody seems to getRead more >
With the perfect Friday night masking routine and toner recommendations for daysRead more >
"I’m almost 6 feet tall, but I still wear heels because I feel like, why not? And if people stare at me, this is how God made me, so have a look!"Read more >
Key artists Anthony Turner and Tom Pecheux share the beauty details from backstageRead more >
The makeup equivalent of a cabin upstate with a wood-burning fireplaceRead more >
"I’m trying to hold onto everything right now and be happy about that. I'm riding my bike home every day, and I'm still going out and dancing, even though I'm pregnant."Read more >
With the beauty vlogger tip for an "unmissable" highlight and skincare suggestions for all the oily T-zones out thereRead more >
Best perused from home, with a hot toddy in one hand and a TV remote in the otherRead more >
On the three-minute mega peel, the origin story of her best-selling lip mask, and the myriad benefits of microneedlingRead more >
"I actually interned at Into The Gloss back in 2013 and I was the worst intern that anyone has ever had at any publication in New York City...just goes to show that you can be the worst intern but still get the job."Read more >
On the trick to caring for curls and the skincare routine for people who like to sleep in lateRead more >
"I’m obsessed with having long eyelashes but I won’t get eyelash extensions because I’m already a girl who gets spray tans and injections… Where's the line?"Read more >
"When it comes to you hair nobody knows it better than you and your mum. Do what matters to you and what makes you comfortable. Because at the end of the day, your hair is yours."Read more >
More on Glossier's next product, and what you did to help shape itRead more >
On doing Jackie O's eyeliner, never forgetting eyeshadow primer, and always moving forwardRead more >
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