Anna Speckhart's Hot Roller How-To

Anna Speckhart

A few months ago, we met Anna Speckhart. We learned a lot of things about her (that she hunts, and that you really can accessorize a vintage band t-shirt with pearls). But key among them was that she is a proponent of big, bouncy, beautiful hair—and hot rollers as the best way to get it. Seeing as we're proponents of any way to look more like Anna Speckhart, we asked for more information. Being a sweetheart, she complied. Take it away, Anna:

Growing up, I was a firm believer that more was more. My daily beauty routine went something like this:
Step 1. Full coverage foundation (to hide my freckles)
Step 2. Bronzer (picture Snooki)
Step 3. Eyeliner, eyeshadow, mascara (picture Snooki again)
Step 4. Glossy lip (Lancôme Juicy Tube in Pink Bling, to be exact)
Step 5. Hot rollers

I was an everyday, never-nominated Miss America.

Flash forward to 2015: I have ditched the entire makeup routine for a much more natural look (freckles included), but I’m still obsessed with the hot rollers. To me they are the total package: easy, come in all sizes, and last for days... (get your mind out of the gutter).

I’m a fan of Conair Xtreme Instant Heat Ceramic Rollers, which you can find at any retail store. I start by rolling the top layer of my hair from the back, followed by the sides. While they set, I throw on a face mask (I'm currently crazy for the Shiseido White Lucent Power Brightening Mask), eat breakfast with one hand, and check Instagram with the other. They should be good to take out after 15 minutes—but if you get lost cyber stalking your ex’s new girlfriend, you can leave them until you’re 152 weeks deep into scrolling. If you’ve past that point, you’ll be doing no favors to yourself or your hair.

As soon as the rollers are out, simply shake and presto! Curls! Depending on your style, you may want to tone the volume up or down. If your Pinterest beauty board is filled with Dolly Parton and Farrah Fawcett, flip upside down and spray generously with hair spray (Elnett is always a favorite, but make sure you’re in room with air or you’re guaranteed to lose a few brain cells). If you like a more subtle approach, simply work a little Moroccan Oil through the ends. Personally speaking, I’ve always heard the bigger the hair the closer to heaven, and I’ve got to get there somehow.

—Anna Speckhart

Anna Speckhart photographed by Tom Newton.

Need another hair tutorial? Try braids next.