To check luggage or carry on? To be or not to be...perfectly put-together while on the road (or in the air)? These are the questions facing well-traveled venture capitalist Henry Davis.Read more >
Because it's better than a massage and 5-Hour Energy combinedRead more >
How to clean your teeth, tongue, and tonsils like a dentistRead more >
We go to the source to find out how to get that perfectly mussed, 'Oh, me? I just threw my hair up after a day at the beach' look for ourselvesRead more >
Forgive us, makeup gods, for we have sinnedRead more >
Take a page from the Amy Odell playbook and learn how to do glitter right, once and for allRead more >
Just when we thought we had the whole braid thing on lock...Read more >
In honor of our country's 237th birthday, wear your heart on your sleeve and the flag on your nailsRead more >
Our how-to pick of the week? A no-nonsense guide to selecting the best colors for your faceRead more >
The new mom's five-minute makeup tutorial: "It’s all about giving a lift now."Read more >
The what, where, whens, and whys of makeup brushes, in our how-to video of the weekRead more >
A definitive guide to using pomades, serums, foams, and creamsRead more >
For our how-to video pick of the week, we turn back to Lisa Eldridge for her take on a young BrigitteRead more >
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