The Face
The Pretty Little Liars star on the best investment concealer, the acne treatment she sleeps in, and the only reliable dry shampoo for brunettes Read more
"When I’m taking a shower I’ll use body scrub that I get from the Body Butter Lady at the Melrose Trading Post...If I’m cheating on the Body Butter Lady, I do it with Aesop." Read more
"If you asked me what kind of hair and makeup I wanted when I first moved here, I would have told you to ask Riccardo [Tisci] and tell me what to do. Now I have a sense of it." Read more
It's pronounced Kayleigh Read more
On her Snapchat show and why on-tour hair is better than at-home hair Read more
She turned down the first agent who approached her, which is a bit unbelievable given all those Tom Ford campaigns she's done since Read more
On shaving her head for her part in Me and Earl and the Dying Girl—and why she doesn't have a public Instagram Read more
"When I’m in bed, I do not have mascara on—that’s a pet peeve of mine in television, when people wake up in bed and have glossy lips. It’s confusing to me." Read more
"A few years ago, I realized I should probably grow everything back and have a full unibrow and be really chic about it. But reality hit and it's not growing back all the way. I want to rock it so hard!" Read more
"Personally, I really like people’s imperfections—that, to me, is really interesting. I like pimples and things like that." Read more
"I’m not afraid of a strong perfume or makeup look. Sometimes less is more, but if it flatters me I’ll go for it. I wear mascara and bronzer every day." Read more
"If I wasn't a model, my hair would probably be blue or something. And I'd have more piercings. I like stuff like that." Read more
Daughter to Quincy and sister to Rashida and Kidada, the recent college grad talks necessary skincare shifts when you're bicoastal and which sunscreen has taken her through summer safely Read more
The Argentine star of the Coconut Balm Dotcom campaign on how Glossier found her (or how she found us, really) and which ads are good enough to get her to buy makeup Read more
Natural curls, natural color, and natural freckles are the name of the game here Read more
“When you’re pregnant, you’re just glorious...You look so dewy and glow-y. Pregnancy is like the best beauty secret." Read more
On adolescent confessions with Joe Jonas and gradually lightening your hair with a leave-in jelly Read more
The artist turned our conference room into an immersive Escape Room and talks about ditching pastel hair for summer and the products she uses to calm her skin down Read more
"I have a lot I can contribute to women and their concept of beauty, their standing. It’s exciting—it’s always a learning process for sure, but I think I have some good stuff up my sleeve." Read more
On being a doula in her spare time and what perfume she wears to remind her of when she gave birth to her son Read more
"I used to think that because I didn't have big zits, or whatever, that skincare didn't really matter, but now I literally wash my face like a grownup woman. I'm being serious. It's such a turning point. I feel like even doing this little thing every day helps me feel worthy of being in the world." Read more
A lesson in doing your makeup in the car so you can get 15 more minutes of sleep Read more
The model-turned-activist on the movie that inspired her cause, tips she's learned from makeup artists over the years, and how modeling has influenced her outlook on aging Read more
"It’s really interesting because a lot of people are like, ‘Oh my God, you’re an actress, wouldn’t you worry about having a scar right on your face?’ Actually, not at all. I was calm as a panda bear. I love scars. I think it gives someone so much character and so much more spunk." Read more