These Are The Most Dreamy Metallic Eyeshadows

Utibe Mbagwu

For as long as I can remember wearing eyeshadow, the ones of the metal variety are the eyeshadows I cling to the most. Yellow and rose golds, coppery bronzes, translucent iridescent eyeshadows—the more shimmer, the more excited I get. Maybe it’s the way their pigment dances on my eyelids once the light hits them just right. Or perhaps it’s because they brighten my entire face instantly—and delight everyone I talk to right afterwards. I love metals because they love me. And in today’s metallic eyeshadow landscape, the options are boundless, as you can choose whatever glimmer format you want: shiny, matte, chunky, sparkly—each with their own benefits and valid lewks.

Róen’s line of cruelty-free and vegan single eyeshadows and eyeshadow palettes lean heavily into this budding glitter philosophy. Disco Eye Universal leaves a white gold shimmer on your lids with delicate, concentrated chunks of gold in the mix. If you want even more pigment, you can use your fingers, and swipe on a chunkier, creamy gold lid. The same rubric works for their cooler-toned 52˚palette. Swipe on Bask for a fool-proof, true gold eyeshadow, brush on Yep and Rendezvouz for a wearable, neutral shimmer. This brand is making metal eyeshadows more approachable for all! And I’m ready for a gilded future. ~sparkle emoji~

—Utibe Mbagwu

Photo via ITG.