Have you ever fallen down an internet rabbit hole? It always starts with an innocent-enough Google search, progresses with a few link clicks, and the next thing you know you’re inches away from your computer screen trying to figure out how old Lucky Blue Smith’s mother is. (30? 50?) As fate and SEO would have it, there’s a good chance you're wondering how to get rid of a conspicuous zit. We’re all looking for the one thing that will stop breakouts, unclog pores, erase dark marks, keep houseplants alive, reunite the Spice Girls, and give us infinite money. It’s really not that much to ask! But the thing about acne is that there’s never one across-the-board magic answer—it’s why we’ve written so much on the topic. So before you go any deeper in your search, here’s a hand. We’ve corralled every story we’ve ever published on preventing, treating, and covering up acne, so you don’t have to go looking for it. In all the time you'll have saved looking for them yourself, you could build a chair! Just don't Google how to do it.
Before You Break Out
If skin karma says you’re due for a zit:
The Emergency No-Breakout Routine
If you always break out in-flight:
The One Product That Fights In-Flight Breakouts
If you always break out after a flight:
How To Avoid The Dreaded Post-Flight Breakout
If your Linkedin-endorsed skill is turning a molehill into a mountain:
How To Stop Picking At Your Skin
Aesthetician Advice
The naturalists:
Annee de Mamiel, Athena Hewett, Kristina Holey, and Su-Man Hsu
The acne specialists:
Renée Rouleau and Jordana Mattioli
The cult favorites:
Melanie Simon, Shani Darden, and Aida Bicaj
Acne Guides
Know what you're dealing with:
Six Different Types Of Pimples
Your best tools:
Every Ingredient That Can Help Fight Acne
The acne-fighting ingredient you might be missing:
Ingredient To Know: Benzoyl Peroxide
When your favorite facialist is OOO:
All the best spot treatments:
And a word to the wise:
What’s The Deal With Skin Purging?
How To Treat It
With a mask:
With pimple patches:
How Did I Only Just Get Into Pimple Patches?!?
With spunkier pimple patches:
Testing The Next Generation Of Pimple Patches
With manuka honey:
I Bought My Favorite Face Mask At Trader Joe’s
With a redness-relieving hero product:
With everything in the Walgreens skincare aisle:
With some zappy gadgets:
The Best Beauty Tools On Amazon
While in bed:
When it’s on our backs:
And the rest of our bodies:
Treating Body Acne Is As Easy As Taking A Shower
The Korean method:
The Korean Skincare Answer To Acne
The French approach:
And with tea tree oil:
What To Do When It Leaves A Scar
When it’s not actually a scar:
How To Deal: Hyperpigmentation
How to heal them:
And how to get rid of them for good:
Or You Want To Cover It Up
What to use all over:
The Best Makeup for Acne-Prone Skin
Plus this concealer:
The Best Concealer for Acne-Prone Skin
With this technique:
The Right Way To Cover Up Pimples
And Everything Else
Profiles In Pimples “Is This Gonna Make Me Break Out?” An Anecdote How Far Would You Go To Get Rid Of A Pimple? What’s The Craziest Thing You’ve Done To A Pimple?
Photo via ITG