What Do You Do For Your Body?

Into The Gloss

It's been a very body week here at Glossier HQ. With the launch of Body Hero, the vibe can accurately be described as Elle MacPherson and Heidi Klum (both at one point crowned "The Body") dancing around feverishly to "Get Me Bodied" by Beyoncé and drinking a full-bodied Italian red. Almost too much body. (On a related note, thank you for celebrating it with us—the response has been overwhelming and so, so motivating.)

But washing and moisturizing make up just one part of a balanced body routine. Literally everything else you do—anything that makes your body feel some type of way—can count. Netflix and chill counts! Vigorous physical activity counts! Cheezits also count. For some examples, we asked the campaign Body Heroes...

Tyler Haney, CEO, Outdoor Voices: "Endorphins. I feel best when I sweat everyday—exercise changes your body chemistry and floods you with good happy feelings and glow-y cheeks.  For me, it's kinetic mediation. I like the saying 'Move your mind your ass will follow.' A little round is sound."

Mekdes Mersha, clinical researcher: "Starting off my day with a full 8 hours of sleep, going on a long run in the city, piping hot hotel showers, consistently eating clean, high-intensity interval workout classes, and deep belly laughs with girlfriends."

Swin Cash, Olympic gold medalist: "Embracing my ever-changing body, skin complexion, and muscle tone has been so liberating during my pregnancy. As a professional athlete, I've always believed self-care was a part of my success. A hot shower, bath or massage with a bonus 30 mins of ME time daily have helped guide me along my journey into motherhood."

__Paloma Elsesser, mode__l: "Anything that allows me to comfort myself through discomfort, whether that be exercise or a challenging conversation makes me feel like a body hero. Also, a really long shower followed up with lovely and lavish products with loud music playing while I indulge." 

Pia Arrobio, designer, LPA The Label: "I take a lot of baths in magnesium salt with lavender or eucalyptus oils. Then I get into bed in a vintage slip, relaxed, soft with lotion melted into my hot skin and I feel like the yummiest woman in the world. Being in love also makes me feel good—being naked with the man I love makes me feel like a body hero. I've always struggled with my weight but knowing someone loves me truly, all the good and the bad, I don't think twice about being self conscious... I just feel so sexy."

And what about you? Please weigh in below.

Photo via ITG.

Read about Glossier Body Hero here.