Adventures in Babysitting (and RiRi Woo)

Emily Weiss

If there was ever a babysitting job to trump all babysitting jobs, it would have to be escorting Franny Keller, the 15-year-old daughter of Vogue stylist Elissa Santisi (my former boss), to Bad Gal Riri’s concert at the Barclays Center on Tuesday night.

If you think about it, going to see Rihanna with a high schooler is kind of a win-win. They have boundless energy (“GIRL IM TOO EXCITED,” one pre-show text read), they know the words to every song (and the remixes—“Have you heard the Branchez' Stay?”) and when A$AP Rocky shouts, “We got any weed smokers in here?!” they obediently keep their hands at their sides. Well, this one did.

They also don’t bat a clear-coated eyelash when I say I must leave our 4th row floor seats (behind Riccardo Tisci, to the left of Katy Perry, and a crowd surf away from Inez van Lamsweerde) for a trip to the loo to touch up my Riri Woo lipstick. The little black tube had been floating around the office for a while, and obviously this was the night to give it a whirl. And, let me tell you, Ri’s first cosmetic offering with MAC will have you saying #PhuckYoRed and “ I wa-wa-want' because this stuff is good. Really good. It's an even more velvet-y, deeper Ruby Woo, with—dare I say it?—a longer lifespan. Jen Brill (also in attendance Tuesday) says Ruby gets her through steak and mashed potatoes unscathed; Riri, on the other hand, got me through a “Brooklyn Banger' (AKA a hotdog on steroids), two beers, and a bag of popcorn. Hey, it was a long show—when you’re with a fifteen year-old, you better believe you'll be the first one there and the last to leave.

—Emily Weiss

[Ed note: unfortunately, Riri Woo sold out in under three hours. BUT! You can sign up here to be notified when it resurfaces in June.]