It's Saturday; tell your body you're ready for businessRead more >
Introducing our new Weekend Workout series, just in time for you to reconsider slacking on your New Year's resolution to stay fitRead more >
Seriously, you don't ever have to run if you don't want toRead more >
The secret to being the least-retouched model in the industry (that's a fact)Read more >
At 37, Parisian Caroline de Maigret did the unthinkable: started going to the gymRead more >
How? What to wear? We consult a running coach—yes, they do existRead more >
Workout and health advice from the hottest 75 year-old aroundRead more >
From Liv Tyler and Andrea Mary Marshall's miracle bath ingredient, to the workout that all the models (and Jake Gyllenhaal) are doingRead more >
Want a body like Daria Werbowy's? The model's trainer, Key Son, says it's all about power-walking and "very small movements"Read more >
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