The Face

The Face

Gun-Britt, Hairstylist

On drinking champagne instead of water, and other tips for aging with graceRead more >

The Face

Elsa Hosk, Model

The VS Angel has product recommendations galore—including the best $5 natural-lips liner and the purple shampoo for a better blondRead more >

The Face

Danielle Nachmani, Stylist & Founder, EDTN

"For me the routine is Bobbi Brown mascara, a Stila compact color on my cheeks, and Aquaphor on my lips. Aquaphor everywhere, actually. You know how in My Big Fat Greek Wedding the dad puts Windex on everything? That’s what Aquaphor is for me."Read more >

The Face

Madeleine Angus, Model

Yes, you can survive summer even if you have oily skin—Madeleine instructsRead more >

The Face

Irene Kim, TV Personality

Plus—her makeup-skincare trick for dewy blush, demonstrated on videoRead more >

The Face

Natalie Morales, Actress & Writer

On the $6 body towel with Emma Stone's seal of approval and the best mascara with the worst nameRead more >

The Face

Devika Bhise, Actress

On the best products for sensitive lips (they're a thing!) and the at-home conditioning treatment that'll make your hair feel like newRead more >

The Face

Ingrid Burley, Musician

The writer behind Beyoncé's "Love Drought" on why she's always reapplying lip balmRead more >

The Face

Noémie Lenoir, Model

Balmain Hair Couture's newest face (head?) on being in your prime at any age and taking care of your skin like it's your jobRead more >

The Face

Lorenza Izzo, Actress

Packed with essential summer tips, like how to get pollution off your skin and detangle long, thick hairRead more >

The Face

Jordan Rebello, Vintage Buyer

"Being American Indian is so cool. We originated here! People still forget about us, but it's getting better. I'm trying to do my part."Read more >

The Face

January Jones, Actress

On how to restore your hair and nails to their former glory after being Betty Draper for eight yearsRead more >

The Face

Joy Bryant, Actress

"As a model of color, I had to do my own makeup sometimes. In many ways things are getting better. But the beauty standard of the day is still a bit Eurocentric. Until that changes, we're still going to keep having these discussions and fighting for inclusion."Read more >

The Face

Sophie Elgort, Photographer

Complete with Anna Wintour's career advice and the blond's guide to platinum careRead more >

The Face

Sabina Socol, Journalist

"French girls pretend they’re not into beauty when they are, obviously. Everyone has their routines."Read more >

The Face

Laura Myers, Designer, Atea Oceanie

"I like the feeling of sportiness. You know when you're beautiful in a way that you could actually go out and do stuff? I don’t want be worried about ruining my makeup or my hair blowing in the wind."Read more >

The Face

Miya Folick, Musician

On the beauty routine that starts with hot yoga and ends with silver eyelid glitterRead more >

The Face

Gwyneth Paltrow

On developing her own line of makeup (and now skincare) and what to do when your hair is three different damaged texturesRead more >

The Face

Jenni Kayne, Designer

The toner advocate on keeping your face, hair, and body moisturized to the fullest extent (even it means using ghee as under-eye cream)Read more >

The Face

Aidy Bryant, Actress

"We have to go from like, hooker to mom, in and out of lashes really quickly. They’re gluing wigs on us or giving us fake moustaches, and that’s tough. So when I’m not working, I try to use things that are gentle on my skin."Read more >

The Face

Evan Rachel Wood, Actress

"I’ve learned to just leave my skin the hell alone! It’s like quitting smoking…if you can get through that first day where you want to pop the pimple and you don’t, it’ll be worth it the next day."Read more >

The Face

Kacy Hill, Musician

The key to healthy, nourished color-treated hair: buckets and buckets of argan oilRead more >

The Face

Aja King, Actress

The How To Get Away With Murder actress on caring for overworked hair and #whoshotannalise (no, not really)Read more >

The Face

Malin Akerman, Actress

"I probably wouldn’t leave the house without getting ready before I had my child just because I felt more comfortable—even if it was a little bit of mascara. Now, I'll leave the house in my pajamas without an ounce of makeup."Read more >