A Beauty Routine, Made For Fall

Or Gotham

The transitional seasons have always been my favorite. Of course, the mildness of fall and spring offers a reprieve from punishing weather patterns that seem to last forever. Also because, by contrast, they don’t last forever. There’s value in their brevity.

With these seasons comes the need for resetting. (Please reference: clocks.) We change our duvet density. We exchange our flats for boots. We adjust our wardrobe. While you’re tucking your crop tops away for the year, you might as well glance towards your beauty routine. There are some swaps to make.

Showers → Baths

There’s an old proverb that goes, “Never do anything standing that you can do sitting.” This is the best argument I have in favor of baths. In July, a hot bath can feel oppressive and masochistic, like you don’t respect being alive. Come September, it makes all the sense in the world. The key is to be well prepared.

When the tub itself is cold, thermal energy is wasted while the ceramic comes to room temperature. So, fill the tub hotter than you think you need. Your bath will stay warmer, longer. (Obviously, don’t submerge yourself until it’s a tolerable temperature.) Don’t forget to season your bath, too. Bathing Culture’s Mineral Bath Salt has earned a spot on my bath ledge thanks to the of-the-earth scent and skin-softening Jojoba.

Light → Rich

If I can count on anything, it’s this: my eczema will make a reappearance in the coming weeks. That’s why I trade in my sheer moisturizers for the heavy, emollient stuff. (This is where the bulk of my swaps happen, so buckle up.)

For my face:
Oquist’s Anti-Aging Serum is the consummate last step of my skincare routine. It features my favorite kind of oil—rosehip, which never causes any uproar with my fussy skin. Plus, I couldn’t talk about this product without talking about the terracotta vessel it comes in. If I ate salads, I would surely repurpose it into an olive oil decanter.

For my body:
For the last three months, I’ve hardly moisturized my body. I’ll usually just throw whatever’s left on my hands from my face routine onto my arms and call it a day. (Anything more makes me feel too sticky.) That bird will no longer fly. It’s onto shea butter-based Nourishing Body Creme by Natureofthings, slathered onto my legs before I launch into my house sweatpants like the bobsled team in Cool Runnings.

Crisp → Cozy

I’m not one to talk smack about pumpkin spice candles. I like them. I get the stigma, but I believe you can be both inescapable and lovely. However, if you don’t feel the same, I still recommend giving gourmand scents a shot this time of year! Just like the pastry it’s named after, Croissant by Overose is comforting, transporting, and soul-warming. Even non-dessert people like croissants, right? [At the time of publishing, this candle is sold out! However, a contact at Overose tells me to expect a restock next month! 👀]

Bronzer → Blush

This time of year, the goal is to look less like Tan Mom and more like you just came in from a horse-drawn carriage with no heating infrastructure. (This woman should come to mind.) Achieve this look with a liquid blush, like Freck’s Cheekslime. It’s translucent, moisturizing, and weightless—as all liquid blushes should aspire to be.

Soft focus → A single point of interest

I find that the general philosophy surrounding summer-era beauty is: “A Little Bit, Everywhere.” A little skin, a little brow, a little lip. Focus is spread about the entire face to allow for minimal product application during ass-sweat season. Makes sense, no? With that in mind, I’ve always enjoyed the way that shifts in autumn to: “Find a Focal Point.” It’s the time to try a big brow, a graphic eye, a stronger lip. Wanna try it? Dior’s Ultra Rouge wears like a stain with the impact of lipstick. Blot it on and head directly, dome-first, into the largest hoodie you can find.

—Or Gotham

Photo via ITG