You Deserve To Try Some New Nail Polishes This Fall

Chloe Hall

Last night I turned on my heat for the first time in six months, which can only mean one thing: Fall has officially landed in New York! And with the falling leaves (and temperatures) comes a great deal of change. It’s a time to switch out slip dresses for long sleeve sweaters, flip flops for duck boots, $16 rooftop cocktails for full-bodied red wines with tasting notes like your couch, sweatpants, and a Real Housewives of Atlanta marathon. Forget about lilac and baby-pink polishes—those are things that happened to you in a past life, rendered useless by the unending churn of time. For at least the next two months, life will consist of pumpkin-spiced shades, buttery nut yellows, and mulled-wine reds. The holidays are a time to stunt on your family and hometown friends, after all.

Nail polish is undoubtedly the easiest (and cheapest) way to switch to a rich cold-weather color palette. So this Thanksgiving, encourage aunts, cousins, and grandmas to ask you to pass the stuffing, cranberry sauce, and a side of what she’s having just to get another look at your new polish.

Your fall nail forecast, ahead.

The Perfect Plum

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Timing is essential: a concept that Dior Vernis knows as well as the back of its LBD. So, this fall the brand released a set of shades that will keep your hands pretty around the clock. The 9.A.M. strong plum shade stands out from its two more subtle siblings: a blue gray (12 A.M.) and taupe shade (4 P.M.) The indigo undertones of the polish pair best with a camel half-zip jacket (the new turtleneck for fall), or a gray chunky knit sweater.

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The Wild Child

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Staying on the Dior fall collection beat, I present the wildest nail on the list: Dior Vernis Rush Hour. Call it Nickelodeon Slime, the Hulk in a Bottle, or radioactive green—or, just call it a statement. It captures the essence of fresh spring growth to spice up the doldrums of winter, don’t you think?

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Velvet for Your Nail Beds

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You can always count on Essie to drop something good. This raisin-purple polish comes in hot with red undertones and a velvety finish, making it as essential as a leather jacket to your fall-to-winter transition. IN: Mid-weight garments and this nail polish. OUT: seeing the sun with your own two eyes before work gets out. If you invest in this polish now it can last you until the last snowflake falls.

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More Butternut Squash, Please

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You know the old saying: You are what you eat? Well, I always figured I would be a butternut squash soup. Death Valley Nails’ Blackbush is the closest I’ll get to looking the part, though. Dang it, I’m hungry now.

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She’s a Brick House

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Now sing it with me! (Just kidding.) This isn’t your classic autumnal orange shade. Orosa’s lively burnt orange Brick has a slightly deeper undertone borrowed from its beloved summer shade, Clementine. Halloween may be over, but it doesn’t mean you can’t wear the holiday’s designated color on your nail beds well into Christmas. Think of it as Christmas music: early November may not be the exact right time for this, but Mariah Carey is loving it either way.

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Lady in Redddddd

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It’s fall, you need a classic red—sorry, that’s just the law. Jin Soon’s Coquette is technically not new—it’s part of a permanent collection of six shades—but I’d be remiss if I didn’t include it on this list. Cherry red is one of my favorite colors and the name of this one in particular is inspired by a fall movie I highly recommend you stream, the 1929 film, Coquette. Fall plans: Paint and stream. Paint and stream. Repeat.

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Red Blooded

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Fall’s only downfall is its evil and always hovering sibling, winter. If you’re in the market for a shade that can carry you through February, consider Deborah Lippmann’s Red Blooded Woman. The vampy deep burgundy shade is also part of Deborah Lippmann’s new limited-edition Holiday three-piece set, so now is the perfect time to invest in your future (of nail shades).

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—Chloe Hall

Photos via ITG