This Year, I Guess I'm Going To Dry Brush?!

Emily Ferber

My lord and savior, the Instagram direct messaging feature, has spoken: 2019 will be the year I incorporate dry brushing into my routine. You may ask yourself, how did I get here? Turns out, I asked for it. See above.

New Year's resolution, as selected by committee...rookie mistake or genius delegating? You decide! Let me know. 'Til then, I'll be briskly passing a dry brush over my extremities, starting at the bottom and moving toward the heart. And wondering, what constitutes "clockwise" when brushing the stomach? I have read many articles and none of them have any insight into this.

Dry brushing popped into my head for a few reasons. 1. My friend Peyton just reorganized her bathroom and hung her dry brush on a little Command hook next to her shower. What a great reminder! And chic. I wanted to do that. And 2. After a few weeks off at the end of December, my body started to feel slack. Days and days and days of cookies, wine, and low-impact activity had me craving a little boost in circulation. That tingle you get from rubbing down your body with a bristly brush. So there ya go. I dug my Mila Moursi brush (very soft, good for beginners) out of storage, hung out my own Command hook, and just like that, I'm a dry brusher.

My expectations are, shall we say...low. But there seems to be plenty of potential upside and not much to lose. Even if you take the whole detox possibility off the table (I don't buy it, but if you do—more power to you!), we're looking at some skin-smoothing exfoliation and yet another way to get your blood flowing in the colder, less active months of the year. It's also a great excuse to work through all the lovely body oils I've collected over the years but never use. First up: Olio Maestro Body Sculptor.

My worst case scenario: I waste a couple minutes every day. I can live with that. At this point in my life, I'm very into the idea of creating habits and building a routine that makes me feel like a grounded woman who's got her life together. Dry brushing, probably thanks to Goop, makes me feel that way. We'll see how long it lasts.

Happy 2019!

—Emily Ferber