An Ode To The Face-Washing Headband

Emily Ferber

If washing your face is to a skincare routine what The Godfather is to the mob drama film genre, then consider your face-washing headband The Sopranos. Both essential, both category defining, but distinctly different mediums. What’s that? You don’t wear a headband while washing your face?! Then please, friend, settle in. Continue to read the rest of this little internet article.

It’s really very simple: washing your face and washing your hair are different processes. They should be done with different products at different times with different techniques. With that in mind...push your gosh darn hair back when you’re splish-splashing your face with water! Have you ever gotten a blow out? If yes, this should resonate. Can't let that shiny new 'do accidentally hang into the sink basin, know what I mean?

Now that that’s settled, you've got some very cozy, comforting options. Get yourself a tricked out, terry cloth, elasticized headband that feels like a warm hug around your temples. It's like one of those gravity blankets, but for your ears. I put one on the exact moment I get home from work—right after I take off all my human clothes and put on my stretchy, sloth home clothes. (I have on good authority that Ashley Weatherford probably does this too.) This $5 baby is the absolute best. Tight, longline for maximum security, and soft as hell. Helps to flatten flyaways and keep tempers cool while watching your nightly Housewives too. It's the simple things that really make life worth living.

—Emily Ferber

Photo via ITG.