The Playlist: Music For Getting Ready To Go Out

Anna Jube

Thursday, if you ask me, is the best day of the week. It's better than Friday in the same way Christmas Eve is better than Christmas Day; in the same way appetizers are better than entrées. The great thing about Thursdays is that they are full of anticipation for the weekend paired with the energy of the weekday, and the knowledge that, should you wake up tired tomorrow, you must only get through one more day of tedium before spending a straight 48 hours in bed. That's why I'm happy to introduce to you The Playlist: Music For Getting Ready To Go Out on this fine Thursday in September.

Inspired by the Top Shelf After Dark and my own self-indulgent love of dance, this playlist has been specifically curated—by me obviously—for you to listen to while you're putting on your makeup in the evening. (Please note that this is best done with the assistance of a homemade dirty martini—Tito's, ice, an olive. Put in your favorite glass, stir, then Shuffle Play.) This is one hour and a half of pure joy and happiness—and just the right amount of sex. Dance around if you feel like it or just kind of wiggle, check yourself out, and re-apply your eyeliner. Please, with the most sincerity I can muster, enjoy. Even if you're staying in.

—Anna Jube

Photo via ITG.