How Do You Double Cleanse?

Into The Gloss

On rainy days and times when you are feeling blue, try scrolling back through Perfume Genuis’ Twitter account for fun. Tweets like:

...will likely inspire you and help you get through a long day. Twitter is not the only place his inspiration is found. In fact, it was in the musician’s Top Shelf where he told ITG editors about his obsession with beauty. He also mentioned double cleansing—with the same face wash, twice. “I made it up!” he told an ITG Editorial Assistant. That got the team talking: How does one double cleanse? Is it by using the same iS Clinical Cleansing Complex twice in a row like Perfume Genius does? Or is micellar water plus Glossier Milky Jelly Cleanser the trick? Do you massage first and exfoliate second? Do you even double cleanse at all?

The methods are wide and varied, so you go first. How do you double cleanse? Sound off below—you have the floor.