Fit Your Life In A Tiny Handbag


Here's a thing: In 2018, everyone's handbags will be in the minature. Morgan Von Steen of #yourdailymorgan is ahead of the game. Among other things she loves (a low, sensible heel), Morgan is known for carrying only the tiniest of purses with her. Which is why she wrote down her five live-or-die rules for carrying tiny handbags. Read, follow, and invest in your own. Here they are:

  1. It’s not about things that spark joy, it’s about the things that are absolutely vital to the function of your life.
  2. Get a card holder. Mine’s an $80 Louis Vuitton I found on eBay.
  3. Reduce your keys to only the keys you use to get in the door. You shouldn't check your mail when you're drunk anyway.
  4. You only need a lip balm if you’re dehydrated. Drink water instead.
  5. If you need medication, that’s acceptable, but otherwise, you already have everything you need.

That’s it. No exceptions.

—Morgan Von Steen

Find out what Morgan keeps in her not-mini makeup bag, right here.