Our Favorite Products: October Edition

Into The Gloss

Welcome to Our Favorite Products, a monthly feature in which ITG's editors discuss our favorite products. They're the best things we've tried all month long, reviewed, photographed, and anthropomorphized before we have the opportunity to get sick of them and move on to something new. If you ask us, this month is one of the best—it's all about that October mood. Please enjoy!

Shiseido Facial Cotton

I can’t tell you if $10 for a pack of 165 pieces of cut cotton is too much to pay for the most luxurious makeup removal process each night. But I can tell you that these fancy-shmancy swabs feel like cashmere on the skin. And they don’t leave those white wispies behind in your eyelashes (or remove any eyelashes along with your makeup). Truly a joy to use. And a small price to pay (I think) for feeling like the prospective millionaire you obviously are. —Emily Ferber

Reverie Milk Anti-Frizz Leave-In Nourishing Treatment

Hair product scents are so important to me—this is why you won't catch me wearing Oribe or Ouai. No offense meant, but I'm looking for something a little more botanical. And of course like everyone else, I just wanna lose some frizz, gain some grit, and not have my hair look too done. I've found a few products for this—usually heavy creams. This Reverie one is a first: It's a scent I love and a product I love. It reminds me a tad of Le Labo's Laurier candle, a bit rosemary/basil-y, a bit minty. It's really light as well, but instantly smooths my hair out without making it look oily and messing up its coil too much. None of that dreaded "product-y" look. No one can even tell I didn't wake up with perfectly cool hair. —Tom Newton

Diptyque Feu de Bois Candle

Like the sudden need for an overcoat, Diptyque’s Feu de Bois scent catches me off guard every year. Its smoky, spicy aroma floats around my apartment and every time I smell it, I'm reminded I still have half a season of Stranger Things to finish. Fragrance (by definition, I think) is evocative, but Feu de Bois is nonpareil. It smells like your sweater after spending hours next to a campfire. It smells like Paris in the winter, and New York in the fall. Emily Ferber tells me it smells like a new basketball, but that's never stopped her. It’s an escapist’s autumnal fantasy realized, but in the most straightforward sense; Feu de Bois is literally just “wood fire.” And if that sounds a bit too crunchy for you, remember that this is Diptyque. Overuse of the word “chic” won’t even cut it. Here is your candle of the season. No contest. —Anna Jube

& Other Stories Saffron Masala Lipstck

& Other Stories has an amazing beauty selection—that’s my takeaway for October. After months of window shopping, a couple weeks ago I ventured past their racks and discovered the glory that is their blushes, body washes, and engraved candles. Their Saffron Masala Lipstick is quickly becoming Utibe’s Fall Lip™. While it’s a beautiful terracotta color that’s easy to wear sheer or more pigmented, what its streamlined chrome capsule doesn’t mention is that it’s also a phenomenal multiple. I’ve been putting it on my cheekbones, lips, and a little on my lids to get a bronzed glow that sets dewy. When I check out my reflection during the day, it’s like I’ve still got a bit of summer with me. —Utibe Mbagwu

Jordan Samuel The After Show Treatment Cleanser

I’ve never been into oil cleansers, but as my life gradually transitions from my hot weather things (cold brew, cut offs, Omorovicza’s cooling Moor Mud Cleanser) to my cold weather things (pour overs and pull overs), it seems as good a time as any to give the messier, meltier side of cleansing a fair shake. Jordan Samuel’s The After Show Treatment Cleanser (formerly Plié Cleanser) was recommended to me by a beauty editor friend as a baby step into the world of cleansing oils. It was also developed with ballerina makeup in mind—Jordan is a former dancer with the Pacific Northwest Ballet. Halfway between balm and straight up oil, the cleanser comes out of the tube (a tube! So easy! So straightforward!) as a gel and breaks down into olive, jojoba, and grapeseed oils with some heat and manipulation. I’m not sure if it’s the sugarcane or the willow bark or the multiple fruit extracts in the formula, but my skin feels fresh, plump, and clear after nightly use. And it’s only $20. Not bad for a clean, US-made, small batch product with excellent results. —EF

Red Flower Hammam Moroccan Mint Tea Silt Purifier

Mint again! I might be on a kick, but this kind of scrub is my favorite anyway. The only thing that could make this Sunday-night-in scenario better would be a sauna in my apartment and someone on hold to fan me with eucalyptus leaves. That would be the ideal—this is still great for now. Red Flower recommends using it in a bath, but it's so nice as just a body scrub. The scent is all-enveloping and so beyond-relaxing. The texture is perfect and it leaves my skin so smooth. I'm left with just a hint of the scent stuck to my skin, which is extra nice right before bed. I love it so much that I think I need to look into Red Flower gift sets for friends and fam now. —TN

Christophe Robin Detangling Hairbrush

Maybe I'm reaching, but a nice boar bristled brush makes me feel like the Victorian woman I truly am—minus the antiquated ideologies. Either way, the world’s loveliest hairdressing man has done it again: His is the French version of the English classic Mason Pearson brush at a far less gut-wrenching price. The brush itself is carved from a really beautiful wood and there's something comforting about the way it feels in the hand. Run it through your hair, note the enhanced shine and sudden light-catching effects. Yves Durif’s Cool Girl rendition may be nice to look at, but this one’s a genuine pleasure to use. —AJ

Photographed by Tom Newton.