Linda Rodin's Bold Lipstick Technique

Into The Gloss

"I hate to leave the house without lipstick," Linda Rodin told us one wintry afternoon. "I feel completely naked." We're in a sunsoaked room just above Bowery, so that Linda can walk us through the latest addition to her eponymous beauty range: lip liners, designed to accompany the lipsticks she launched last year. Which if you're familiar at all with Linda, makes total sense—with her, a lip is not a choice. It's a given.

Linda describes the shades as essential, which is a funny thing to call a bold lipstick. That is, until you meet her (or watch a video of her), become witness to her unbearable chicness, and suddenly, a bright lip is the only thing you need. In her range, there's the vibrant orange Tough Tomato, So Mod's rich matte pink, and, on the hotter end of the spectrum, the neon Winks (named for her dog Winky). The two most intense shades make reference to women Linda's inspired by, like the crimson Red Hedy, the namesake of actress and inventor Hedy Lamarr, and Billie on the Bike, a purple shade named for Linda's mother. She wears the latter in the above video—a base of the liner with the matching lipstick layered over it—while waxing poetic on all things lips. You'll be delighted to know that it wears just as well as it looks.

Shot by Tom Newton. Edited by Coco Baudelle.

More Linda—read her The Professional from back in 2011, and her thoughts on aging a few years later.