"Done" Hair Can Be Cool, Too

Eva Alt

A rough browsing of YouTube leads me to believe that at least 50 percent (probably more) of the hair tutorials on the internet are about how to “achieve' bedhead/the model bend/beach hair. I get it, but can someone tell me: When did having “done-looking' hair become so uncool? You know what is also cool? Effort! Which is why you need a giant U-shaped pin in your life. It's sleek, simple, uncomplicated—and it holds all hair types in an elegant twist.

I say this mainly because I'm completely enamored with Odile Gilbert's line, which is also sold at Colette. The woman did the hair for Marie Antoinette for lord's sake—I will do whatever she suggests. However, if you're not interested in waiting four long, hard weeks for shipping from France, some less expensive, easier to find alternatives exist here and here.

Then it's honestly too simple to even call it a tutorial. First, twist and bend:

Hair Pin Gif 2

Then pin:

Hair Pin Gif 1

As Odile might say, “Voila!”

—Eva Alt

Now that you've mastered her hair accessories, read about Odile Gilbert's own beauty routine (and see her palatial Paris bathroom) in her Top Shelf. Or read more of ITG's How-Tos here.