It Was A Wig!

Into The Gloss

When a famous person gets a dramatic haircut, the world notices. When said famous person is Gigi Hadid, the world stops on its axis. But last night at the American Music Awards, the world simply paused. Gigi, turns out, did not hack off a foot of hair. If it looks like a bob and tastes like a bob...that doesn't necessarily mean it's a bob. Of course she alluded to this at the time, suggesting coyly to E! that they check up on her today and see whether the short cut was in fact still short. Just to confirm that everything was still in tact, we called up hairstylist Bryce Scarlett, who made the whole thing possible:

'Gigi knew about the dress before we had even talked about the hair, and because of the high neckline of the dress, she wanted the style to be off of her face and slick...but she had done so many styles like that, so she was like, 'What if we do a wig?' So it's a faux bob—a partial wig that we placed on the back of her head, and then we pulled her natural hair back behind it. [All of her natural hair] is there. For styling we used all Matrix products—we put Matrix Height Riser on the roots and brushed it through. Then we added Matrix Gloss Booster to give it a finish. [The inspiration] was all the dress, and Gigi. It was such a sexy dress that I wanted the hair to look a little more sophisticated—and also easy.”

Photo via Getty. For more of Gigi and that gorgeous hair, check out her Top Shelf and Top Shelf After Dark.