Watch The Top Shelf Live

Into The Gloss

Hey! So last night we did something new—Emily Weiss hosted our first ever Top Shelf Live panel. In conversation with ITG mainstays Kate Young, Elaine Welteroth, and Leandra Medine, they expanded on that “Beauty in Real Life' tagline you've heard so much about. Highlights included:

  • A story about Emily Weiss teaching Leandra's husband Abie how to mask while in Paris for Fashion Week
  • Elaine's recent trip to Seoul, and the electric shock that gives you the equivalent of a four-hour workout in 20 minutes
  • Kate's truthbomb: “I don't want to look old...but I don't want to look different either.”

All that and more! Watch the video below—makes for great in-headphone material at work, in a coffee shop, and other places, too.

That said, if you don't have a full hour and were hoping for a greatest hits tracklist of sorts, we got you. Scrub ahead to hear about this stuff specifically:

3:32 - Leandra on why she doesn't wear makeup
6:26 - Elaine on how to explore your beauty philosophy as a teenager
9:44 - Kate on the difference between red carpet makeup and what works in real life
15:36 - Elaine on the best innovations coming out of South Korea
27:49 - Kate & Emily on what foods not to eat before you're about to get your photo taken
33:20 - How everyone feels about their hair
41:26 - Leandra on how to keep calm when others around you are stressed
45:00 - Kate on developing a good reputation in the fashion industry
47:29 - Elaine on the global beauty trends she's most excited to see stateside
57:59 - Leandra on aging gracefully

Photos by ITG.

Read more Top Shelves here.