Decoding The Concealer Palette

Stacey Nishimoto

As you may have picked up these last few weeks, one concealer does not fit all. There's formulas good for spot covering, formulas good for brightening, and then there's the palette—which we'll discuss in depth today—that's helpful for correcting any scars or hyperpigmentation as you see fit. This is the one I like to call the tragic palette, full of life's correctors. Sun-burnt skin, bruising, scars, hangover under-eye circles, allergy redness, and any other of life's run-ins that we have and will experience sometime in our lives.

The best palette for this is Make Up For Ever's Palette 5 Camouflage Cream Palette in 5 Professional Corrective Shades. It's got an apricot, lavender, mint green, honey, and bisque color and each is highly concentrated in pigment for major coverage. Let's take it color by color:

Apricot: This one combats bluish discoloration and is perfect for concealing bruises, dark circles, and broken capillaries that leave dark marks. Pat the color on with your ring finger over discoloration on bare skin. Concentrate on the discolored areas then blend outward, and use a damp sponge to blend the edges seamlessly into the skin. Next, apply a sheer foundation over your entire face to lock it in place and set it with loose powder. This should cut down discoloration at least by half, if not more!

Lavender: Sallow as hell, coming out of the flu, or just having a really life-sucking week? A touch of lavender will do the trick. Mix the lavender with your everyday concealer or foundation in the palm of your hand and, with a damp sponge, stamp the mixture where needed and blend. Since I'm naturally sallow-colored (not a bad thing), I love to highlight with this mixture along my cheekbones, the center of my forehead, and on the middle of my chin. It creates such a beautiful effect.

Mint: Green cuts the redness out instantly. Apply with your ring finger directly on red areas, which for most people is around the nose. Use a damp sponge to blend outward, then use a stamping motion to dissolve the concealer into the skin. The last step is to apply a sheer foundation over your enter face to unify your complexion.

Honey: I use this color to even out the sun spots and freckles I have on my cheeks. The warm color gets rid of the shape of sun marks and softens the appearance of the surface. As always, apply with your ring finger on the sun-damaged area and blend as if its a bronzer over the cheeks and cheek bones. Then, apply your favorite blush over your cheeks. It's a very flattering look in general. Who doesn't love a dusty rose?

Bisque: This is an added color that's great for quick touch ups throughout the day. You could even use this translucent color to blend with the other colors for targeted issues. Like I said: the perfect complete palette.

—Stacey Nishimoto

Photos courtesy of the author. There's more concealer where that came from—read Stacey's first and second concealer posts and conceal to your heart's content. Say conceal one more time (conceal).