The Best Drugstore Shampoo for Brunettes

Into The Gloss

Just because you’re not bleaching your hair, doesn’t mean you don’t need to color protect it. Brown hair is just as susceptible to fading as any dyed hair, so brunette maintenance shouldn't be overlooked. Some reasonable people weigh in:

One of our in-house brunettes,Annie Kreighbaum, recommends “maintaining with Aveda Black Malva Color Conditioner—a total Godsend for unnatural dark brunettes.” Illustrator Langley Hemingway Fox sings the praises of Pureology Hydrate Shampoo: “They don’t test on animals, and they’re good for people who dye their hair because they don’t have sulfates, which can take out the dye or straighteners, I think.”

But, maybe you dyed your hair dark to escape the need of all these expensive treatments (they never end!). Fear not, because there's always John Frieda (the most reliable hair guy you ever did meet). More specifically, John Frieda Brilliant Brunette Shampoo and Conditioner. Cosmopolitan Editor Amy Odell swears by it, “no matter how many shampoos and conditioners I try.” The sentiment is echoed by ballerina Misty Copeland, who uses John Frieda Brilliant Brunette Liquid Shine Shine Lock Perfecting Glosser “instead of hairspray to make [her] hair stay back.”

Same church and same pew, other drugstore brands with solid brown-saving options are Pantene, Giovanni, and Tigi. Got a particular allegiance to one over another? Please explain below.

Photographed by Tom Newton. Research by Ava Tunnicliffe.