Unnecessary (Eye) Baggage

Into The Gloss

Enough eye bags can lead to actual emotional baggage. Especially once they start attracting attention (even if only one over-zealous coworker asks “Are you OK?” that is one too many). When not even Touche Éclat can spell out 'I'M FINE' under your eyes, it's time to assess other options—besides some much needed R&R, because who has the time?

The Quick Fix
Makeup artist Tom Pecheux suggests a bottle of Biologique Recherche Serum Yall O2. Besides his claim that “their products smell like science?” this serum works double on puffy eyes and laugh lines. “After a few minutes, it softens the lines completely?”

The Vegetable
Fashion editor Azza Yousif has tried all the creams to combat tired eyes, but only one remedy works when times are desperate. “If I feel like they’re really puffy and dark, I'll use sliced cucumbers from the freezer—they take the puffiness away?” she said. “I keep them on until the slices start to melt?”

The Tea Bag
But perhaps the most practical remedy serves both body and mind. Make yourself some tea, drink it, then save those tea bags and do as Teresa Palmer does. “If my eyes are still puffy after I clean my face with cold water, I’ll get caffeinated tea bags, soak them in water, freeze them, and take them out 15 minutes before I’m doing my makeup or getting it done for an event. You put the bags on your eyes, and the caffeine gets rid of the puffiness,” she told us in her Top Shelf. “Oh, my poor, puffy eyes.”

Photographed by Tom Newton.