Iluminage Pillow by Pond's Institute

Mackenzie Wagoner

Somewhere during the ‘90s my sister and I decided it was time to part with our bunk beds in favor of creating one glorious megabed in our shared room. It was also around the same time that one of us read (God only knows where) that silk pillowcases would make our hair super shiny and smooth. Since I’ve already established how I feel about soft things, it goes without saying that we had to have them. I mean, what a world! What a life! Where a couple of pre-tweens from suburbia get to sleep in a bed worthy of a Céline Dion music video (It was a phase… or was it?).

I had almost forgotten about the splendor of that bedding until I came across Pond’s Institute Illuminage Skin Rejuvenating Pillowcase With Copper Oxide. Its gold silken (technically polyester, but close enough) fibers are embedded with the aforementioned metal compound, which apparently releases copper ions into your skin to reduce the appearance of wrinkles over time. Does that work? I really can’t tell you. I've been too busy getting the best sleep of my life.

Get a silky, satin-y pillowcase and everything you thought you knew about being in bed will change. The first night I rested my head down on mine, I was overwhelmed with happiness. I wished anyone who ever doubted me for even a moment could LOOK AT ME NOW. #Grateful #Blessed My cup runneth over. Everyone should know this pillowcase’s kindness, for at least one sweet night. But now, my what-I-once-considered-an-impressive-thread-count cotton pillowcases feel almost corrosive in comparison. It is possible that my hair is less static-y in the morning. And it all feels so decadent! I mean, doesn't “Buy one silky pillowcase” sound like it could have appeared in Diana Vreeland’s “Why Don’t You...” column? “I sleep in beauty.” I tell myself. Artifice is everything.

If you're going to join me, don't overdo it. You only need one—I’m not talking only one pillow—that would be absurd (I am a single gal living in a shoebox apartment and I still manage to have eight large pillows on my bed. What if I have guests/want to re-imagine my bed as a sofa/need to fashion a fake human for snuggling?). But more than one silky pillow case and you’ll essentially be sleeping in an oil slick. Read: pillows sliding everywhere. Fully silk beds only exist in, like, The Godfather, and look what happened there. As for this wrinkle-fighting business, well, here's hoping.

—Mackenzie Wagoner

Photos by Emily Weiss.