Dr. Hauschka Fresh Deodorant

Dr. Hauschka Deodorant in Fresh
Mackenzie Wagoner

Not to be a fear monger, but I’m terrified of antiperspirant. Why? Because that aluminum chloride that's sealing your under-arm sweat ducts and keeping your summer whites white has been linked to Alzheimer’s (still controversial) and cancer (I realize that the latter hasn’t been proven, but the CDC and FDA won’t rule out a connection, either), and I’m under the impression that your body is supposed to sweat. It’s good for you—sweating is a natural way of dispelling toxins and preventing your body from overheating. Just think of how much your skin glows after a Bikram yoga class or a turn in a steam room.

By choice, I’m a sweater. Or… a sweat- er. But, I also don’t wish the smell of my totally healthy, natural bodily function on anyone (including myself). And for that, I rely on Dr. Hauschka’s Fresh Deodorant . Okay, look, it’s $19, which is a lot for deodorant, and it’s not going to stop your underarms from moistening up, but aside from that, I don’t feel like it’s lacking anything. I still get the my-armpits-are-still- skin moisturizing component of my former Dove deo; a subtle, refreshing sage and citrus scent that I wouldn’t mind rolling on my pulse points, and a chic package that holds court next to my prettiest perfumes. It dries quickly on my skin and, for me, works all day—even in New York City’s disgustingly humid summer months. I'm happy to pay a premium for peace of mind (and nose).

—Mackenzie Wagoner

Photos by Zoe Ruffner.