Chanel's Stacks on Stacks

Chanel Couture Fall 2013 Rings, @FeiFeiSunSun
Into The Gloss

Yes, the hair and makeup at this morning's Chanel couture show were amazing (the Delevingne brows, the Vanilla Ice hair) But those RINGS! Has the Kaiser been spending time at Catbird? (And, if so, please tell us he took the L train). Fei Fei Sun, Meghan Collison, Celia Ellenberg, and coiffurier- of-the-hour Sam McKnight flooded our Instagram feed with close-ups of the gunmetal and white-gold diamanté bands stacked in every possible permutation. We’re all about a “first knuckle ring” (as made popular by Catbird) but not entirely sold on a “first fingernail ring,” the newly-appointed trend by Chanel—that’s a little too close (to the edge) for comfort. More than one of those babies must have flown off of a sashaying model’s hand and bounced into the audience. All the more reason not to skip the Chanel couture show— G uys, come on! It’ll be fun!

[1] @SamMcKnight1, [2] @FeiFeiSunSun, [3] @Celia _Ellenberg, [4] @OMGItsMeg