We could not be more grateful/moved/thrilled/pumped up for—and by— your submissions to our “ What's Your Resolution?' post. It was really, really, really f-ing impossible to choose one that was “better' than the rest, but we said we would, so we kind of had to. “Follow through with things' is one of our resolutions, too.) BUT: please know that we have never been so confident in a year as we are about 2013, based solely on the hundreds of good vibes that were sent our way from all of you — whether that means you're finally going to break out that new lip color, quit smoking, eat better, refuse to settle for anything less than what you want, or just try to take it a little easier on yourself. All of you are winners, in our eyes. (Pretend that's not as cheesy sounding as we think it is. WE MEAN IT! Come over and sing “Kumbaya.”)
We promised winners and gifts, so here we go: the pair of resolutions (male and female) that best embodied the ITG Attitude (TM) for 2013......!
Patrick : “My beauty resolution is to wear the amazing 6-inch stiletto Givenchy booties [1] I bought in late December out in public with reckless abandon!!! This will take a lot of confidence as I am a twenty-year-old young man, but confidence is a gift I've been trying very hard to give myself lately so I'm not worried ; “ (1/8/13)
Julianna : “Let's be honest... Everyone's New Years resolution, beauty related or not, is always to lose weight, eat healthier, blah blah. Here's an idea. Eat the cookie, enjoy it. Just don't eat the whole damn bag. Looking good is about feeling good and accepting yourself. So instead of worrying about going from a size 4 to a size 2 in hopes of looking like Freja (I need to get over it I have boobs and eat dessert it'll never happen), I'm resolving to calm the fuck down. I'm going eat dessert, buy a serum entirely for the ridiculously small patch of skin under my eyes because I don't want to end up looking like a Tim Burton character in the coming years, and of course, because you taught me to care, ITG! I'm not going to keep myself up at night worrying about finding a job because I graduated 5 seconds ago, and wondering whether or not dragging garment bags down 7th avenue was worth doing for free. I will wear burgundy lipstick knowing it's chic, and ignoring the fact that my boyfriend thinks I look like Marilyn Manson. I'm taking the hippy dippy route and facing things as they come, with M&Ms in hand and glycol lactic mask on face (which I am vowing to use once a week this year). And trusting myself enough to not worry my life into a stomach ulcer. X Julianna' (1/7/13)
Both have been notified and are receiving personalized little #swag #swag #swag bags straight from ITG HQ...Sent with lots of love.
Patrick's Givenchy booties [1] and Julianna's new resolve [2-6] photographed by themselves.