Quote-Unquote: Inez Van Lamsweerde

Into The Gloss

Because good advice never gets old (and we still get awe-struck by every snap this woman takes):

I like getting older. I actually feel better ever day. The only thing I don’t like about getting older is maybe if there is something physical that doesn’t work as well anymore—like health things. I do worry sometimes that after menopause your face will fall off your skull—the estrogen is starting to go and everything just falls off your face. [Laughs] I don’t want that to happen. But little wrinkles and stuff, I’m not fighting right now. I mean, like I said, the only thing I really don’t like is the puffy eye. But surgery or botox, I can’t imagine doing. I was talking about it with Christy Turlington once, and she was saying, ‘Yeah, if you do all that, you will never know what you would look like old.’ And I agree with that actually. It’s true.— Inez Van Lamsweerde's Top Shelf (11/14/11)

Inez Van Lamsweerde photographed by ITG; Christy Turlington images by Inez and Vinoodh.