Jurlique Purely Bright Cleanser

Alessandra Codinha

I am a fan of anything that promises to increase radiance, mostly because I think we all deserve to be radiant, if we’re not already. Think about the word “radiant.” Think about things that “radiate.” Other than “radiators.” Can one ever be too radiant? I doubt it. Let’s try, shall we?

Jurlique Purely Bright Cleanser features what the brand calls VitaBrightKx, which is supposed to minimize dark spots and discolorations via a cocktail that actually sounds like a cocktail I had last weekend (what’s up mixologists!): a mix of Kakadu plum, citrus unshiu peel, and African birch. There’s also a heck of a lot of vitamin C to protect your lovely mug from ‘environmental aggressors’ as well as improve overall clarity and boost natural collagen production for a firmer face. At this point in my life, I'm not worried about dark spots or discoloration, mostly because I haven't seen any on myself. Yet. I feel sort of the same way about dark spots and the like as the nation seems to feel about global warming: I know my past decisions (many sunscreen-less days) have led me straight down the garden path to some future catastrophe, but since I have yet to be confronted by them, I'm basically saving up my “alarm' for the main event. Which is not to say that I am not worried about global warming. There was a tornado in New York, like two weeks ago. And while I cannot recommend a beauty product that will save your ass from a tornado, I can tell you that after a couple of weeks of using this Jurlique potion (likely thanks to its gentle exfoliation powers), I’ve noticed very pleasant results in my skin tone and clarity. What can I say? I feel brighter all the time.

—Alessandra Codinha

Photograph: Joan Miro monograph by Rosa Maria Malet, vintage Swatch sunglasses. All that cleanser with nothing to do? Watch our How To Wash Your Face video.