How Are You Gearing Up To Re-Enter Society?

Ashley Weatherford

Lately, in January of all months, I’ve been thinking about summer break. Or rather the feeling of just coming back from summer break, and the rush of excitment of starting anew in the fall. The past year has been in no way shape or form like a summer break, and yet, with over a million vaccinations happening each day now, the optimist in me is starting to look forward to reuniting with people I’ve missed for so long. Although we’ve talked over phones, emailed, and Zoomed for going on nearly 365 days, there’s nothing quite like that in-person reunion. I’ve been dreaming about the agenda: going over the highs and lows of our time apart from each other, and gossip. So much gossip. This past year has been the longest, absolute worst “summer break” in a lifetime, but fall finally feels in sight. And with that, an opportunity.

After all, the best part about coming back to school after summer break was seeing how much everyone had changed. Who got the cool piercings, the new wardrobe, the new perspective on the [name your genre] music. How will that translate now? I’ll certainly be different when I reemerge into the world post-pandemic, but maybe this is an opening to look different, too. To really own a new look—maybe twists or cornrows for me—or to nail down a habit. I’ve never done prescription retinol before—is this the time to start? Maybe I’ll get into a groove working out before work, and carry that behavior with me when it’s time to head back to our offices. I’m not sure, are you? How are you gearing up to re-enter society? Are you trying out new looks? Something else? Sharing is caring, below.

—Ashley Weatherford

Photo via ITG