How Do You Deal With A Dry Back?

Leah Chernikoff

The one skin issue that has consistently plagued me is dry skin. No matter how much moisturizer I apply, the salve only lasts so long. And during the winter, when my skin is driest and itchiest, it often feels like an inch-thick coating of Aquaphor spread over my entire body would be my only hope for a short reprieve. Of course, this is impractical for many reasons (hard to put clothes on over that, etc., etc.,), but chiefly because it’s impossible to coat the itchiest part of my body: my back. I do have a husband and occasionally I remember to ask for his help, but usually I just give up, accepting my fate as a person with a constantly itchy back.

The discovery of Kate McLeod’s Daily Stone offered some comfort; I could kiiiinda twist my arm to get at some of my most dry, itchy spots. But generally, I’ve always felt SOL regarding this incredibly specific, pretty inconsequential problem. Still, I want to know: Does it happen to you? How do you deal? Let’s swap strategies in the comments.

—Leah Chernikoff

Photo via ITG