Guess Which Newcomer Beat Out An Old Favorite In The Latest Round Of ITG’s March Madness?

Into The Gloss

Tea tree oil is...out! A pity, considering it’s the rare acne treatment around that doesn’t smell like butts. It began the season with a promising start, but it was no match against that force of nature, Aztec Healing Clay. So long, tea tree—we’re onwards and upwards to the Elite Eight. But first, let’s go through the lessons from last round before placing our votes.

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Notable learnings:

  • Newcomers still have skin in this game. Tatcha’s The Silk Canvas is only about a year old, but it took out the uber-popular Babyfoot without batting an eye. Was it the Instagram photos that did Babyfoot in? (Will not link, but you've been warned to search with caution.) Whatever the reason, this was all much to Ashley’s delight (honestly, she can’t stop talking about it).
  • It’s P50’s world, and all other acids are just living in it. First, it eliminated Drunk Elephant at the start of this whole thing, and then it removed Dennis Gross’ Alpha Beta peel pads with a crushing 69-percent defeat. Will it win in the end? At this rate, it’s looking pretty good, but stayed tuned.
  • In the big bucks vs. baby budget matchup, The Ordinary’s hyaluronic acid serum screeched by Dr. Jart’s Ceramidin Liquid, winning by a hair. Never discount a scrappy contender! They’ll always outwork you.
  • And the most trusted continent to take on acne is...North America. Paula’s Choice eliminated the very French Avène Cleanance Gel the last round. And this time around, it faces the Aztec Indian Healing Clay mask.

We’re halfway through this journey, and you know what to do to get your team the ultimate prize. Vote! And hurry, before the next round of polls close on March 27, at 11:59PM.

Photo via Getty