Did You Know Your BFF Runs Fenty's Twitter Account?

Ashley Weatherford

I’m what you might call a “Twitter person”—I visit that site all day long, and like most people on the internet, I’ve decided that alone makes me an expert. Right now I follow close to 900 accounts—many of which are pretty depressing (the news), and an equal number are usually pissed off about something (people who read the news), and only a handful bring me pure, sparkly delight. Fenty Beauty is one of them, and man, it is a fun ride.

I have no idea who runs that account (I asked them, but no dice), but then again, technically I do. My BFF runs it—and yours! And yours! And yes, you, to the left—yours, too! I mean, don’t you feel like you know this person? Or, at the very least, want to get to know this person? Can you hang out with a Twitter account? Believe me, I have thought about it.

If you’re having a rough day, a pretty good day, or even just a day, I want to deliver some joy into your life via Fenty Beauty’s Twitter. Here are some of my favorite tweets for when…!

You want great prose

You didn’t really study and you need a pep talk

You need to prioritize

You need relationship advice

You want to feel patriotic

You’re contemplating business school

You don’t need no hateration, hollaration, in this dancery

You need a cheerleader

You need a more aggressive cheerleader

Or, when you just need a friend

Now sing it with me

—Ashley Weatherford

Photo via Getty.