Are YOU Our Next #ITGTopShelfie?

Into The Gloss

The flight attendant who knows how to keep skin hydrated one mile off the ground. The realtor with an 80-hour work week and the similarly stacked self-care routine. The auditor who changed her life when she changed her serum. Real people; real routines; there's a reason the #ITGTopShelfie debuted to rave reviews more than three years ago and hasn't slowed down since. Why mess with a good thing?

We're not looking to change a bit—but we are looking for you! Tell us about yourself down below: what you do, where you live, why your routine rocks...and we'll reach out. Usually this happens on Instagram, but this week we're switching it up. Why? No reason, just don't want y'all to get too comfortable.

So get at us! What routines do you want to see next?

'Til next Friday, Us