What's Your Beauty Resolution?

Emily Ferber

There’s a science to crafting a good New Year’s Resolution. Think of it like a recipe: two cups Gwyneth Paltrow's life choices, three tablespoons of TED Talk optimism, and just a dash of moral high ground to taste. Combine it properly and you end up with something along the lines of learning to run (despite it being January) or The Clean Program. All well and fine, but not easy, fun, or necessarily achievable.

Skincare resolutions, on the other hand, are always fun and mostly easy to achieve. Why? Because if you tell yourself you want to become a Sephora VIB Rouge member this year, gosh darn it, you can do it! Alternatively, set your mind to these sampler resolutions we've taken the time to write for you:

  • Pare down your skincare routine to a few essentials
  • Take better care of your skin with even more products
  • Curate the perfect TSA-friendly dopp kit
  • Go to the dermatologist
  • Mask more!
  • Cleanse more!
  • Contour more!
  • Contour less!

It’s up to you. Detail your decisions below. Happy New Year!

Photo via ITG.

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