Hate Running? This Marathoner Says It's All In Your Mind

Into The Gloss

Last weekend marked the 46th TCS New York City Marathon, in which tens of thousands of New Yorkers pounded the pavement for 26 miles, and tens of thousands of other New Yorkers slept soundly in their beds. Team ITG was on either side of the activity spectrum—you can guess where, we will not confirm—but if anything, the Marathon is an annual reminder that we can generally be doing better about our fitness routines. This was made worse (better?) when actress, model, and marathon participant Calu Rivero visited the office the day before the race. ITG asked (begged, maybe) for any and all training secrets. She had miles of advice:

"I've been a Nike ambassador for five years. I actually remember five years ago Nike asked me, 'Do you want to run the half marathon in San Francisco?' And I was like, 'I don't run, I can't.' They told me if I wanted, they would help train me. So I started training. I didn't like it at first, but as I kept training, I started to love it. This year I ran the half marathon in Buenos Aires, and I was so motivated after that. Nike asked me if I wanted to run the New York Marathon, and I was like, 'OK! I think so!'

I started training back in August. I would run every day, distance runs or sprints, and sometimes [supplement that] at the gym. I'd go and lift weights, arms and legs, depending. Also meditation—that's a really important part of training. Just a few minutes of relaxing my mind and relaxing my muscles. You understand that a lot of running is in your mind—you have to be with your self and try to connect with your body. It's very mental.

Every day before training I'd eat plain Kellogg's Corn Flakes with almond or soy milk—and a banana for right after. You have to eat it really fast, because I've been told if you wait an hour after, it doesn't have the same effect on your body. Sometimes I'll drink a smoothie with one cup of flax milk, one banana, and one tablespoon of maca powder. Then protein—I take a protein supplement because I'm vegan. For a big meal, I'd eat a lentil hamburger with hummus and fries. You have to eat a lot. [Laughs]"

Plus some of her favorite running songs below. Marathon, anyone?

Jungle Bae — Jack Ü ft. Bunji Garlin & MX Prime
Visa — M.I.A.
212 — Azealia Banks ft. Lazy Jay
You Wanted A Hit — LCD Soundsystem
Happiness — Sam Sparro

Calu Rivero (The Society) photographed by Tom Newton.

Running sucks. Here's why you should do it anyway.