What's Your Signature Fragrance, And How Do You Wear it?

Brennan Kilbane

We don't talk about fragrance that much on ITG, which is a shame because I'm a huge fan. I like to smell good! Every morning, post-shower and pre-dress, I spritz myself four times: right side of neck, left side of neck, hair, bellybutton. It's the most luxurious part of my day, right before I tango with the subway rats of New York.

Fragrance is great, but it's hard to write or read about because your computer screen isn't scratch and sniff—also because I can't talk about base notes or top notes without feeling like a fancy sommelier. I prefer to think of fragrance in terms of anthropology, which is much more fun. Have you ever thought about your personal fragrance history? Well, here's mine. It's a little dicey:

Fifth Grade: Tommy Boy
I'm not kidding, I won Tommy Boy after I aced a quiz contest in Sunday School. The ultimate bounty. If you find yourself deep in the attic of my parent's house, and you pay close attention, you might be able to smell it.

Puberty: Abercrombie and Fitch Fierce
Don’t even pretend like you didn’t.

College: Kenzo Homme Sport
My college years were timed with the heyday of the Kenzo sweatshirt, so this was a very fancy scent to own. You can now buy it for $30 on Amazon. :-/

Post-College: Etat Libre d’Orange Fat Electrician
Bought with the money I earned from my first freelance gig. If you've never heard of it, good! Move along. It's mine, thanks.

I can look back at them like a tiny museum of me that smells really good—literally, because I still have them all. But enough about me and how (great) I smell. I want to know your fragrance history—tell me what scents you love and why you love them. Tell me when you wear them, and how you apply them, and why they're special to you. Tell me everything.

—Brennan Kilbane

Photo via ITG.

Make your favorite scent last a lil longer with four tips for perfume longevity. And read more about fragrance, this way.